Champions, IIT BHU: Shobit Shubhankar and Deepak Kumar Singh
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The city was abuzz for two reasons, Bihar Diwas was being observed and ofcourse Crucible was in town. Team from Chappra, Gaya, Allahabad and Varanasi all came in to be part of the regional round here. A brisk prelim was followed by an interesting wild card leading to the finals.
The initial rounds of the quiz saw the IIT BHU team of Pranjal and Sujana leading the fray as they gave some really good answers. The other teams started trying their hands at the buzzers but gained and lost points in rounds that followed effectively not being able to move ahead.
The team that looked good mid way through the quiz along with Pranjal and Sujana were from Faculty of Sciences (Sandeep and Vishwajeet). It was at this stage of the quiz that Prajal and Sujana stayed shy of taking some chances while the other IIT BHU team of Shobit and Deepak gained ground with some good answers.
In the analytical round Shobit and Deepak played a masterful strategy to not be greedy for 15 points but took quick shot to gain 10 twice ensuring they were in the lead. From there on in the final round they consolidated well while Faculty of Sciences forced themselves ahead of Pranjal and Sujana to finish behind Shobit and Deepak as runner up.